Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Class 12 has been learning about what it means to work hard, never give up and strive for success in all that we do. We have been talking about it, writing about and even making MTVs about it.

Here is a story written by David:

To be a superhero you have to have a positive attitude and be prepared for action. It is like trying to tackle the challenge and achieve excellence in learning. Work hard at life and succeed.

We then turned our ideas and writing into MTVs.
Here is Justus and Javan's

Monday, September 8, 2014

Our Learning Goals

We have been learning about what a top level athlete needs to do to succeed. We also thought about how some of those ideas might pertain to our own learning.
In this movie we share with you things that athletes do to achieve as well as our own success in our own learning.
We filmed all of this around a fun art activity where we turned ourselves in to athletes!