Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Kindness Boomerang

This movie has been made by the kids in our class to highlight some of the ways that we can help in our classroom. We watched a movie on Youtube called "The Kindness Boomerang" and wanted to try it ourselves. We love the idea that kindness comes back to find you after you share it with others.
How do you think we did?

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Keep Ya Head Up!

Our first MTV of the year and Miss King had NOTHING to do with it. Mary, Sela, Jordenne, Thea and Iron worked hard together to plan, film and edit this very cool video. We can't wait to see what they come up with next.
Ms T - this post is for you!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Being a Great Learner

 Room 13 is FINALLY back for 2012. We have been so super busy getting acquainted with our new netbooks, and are very exciting to be learning with them.
 We spent some time during our first few days of school deciding what qualities a great learner might have. We then decided to display our favourite on a special tree. Each tree was created collaboratively. This means that we helped each other and worked together sharing our best ideas to reach a fabulous outcome. Come and visit our classroom (if you are ever in Pt England) so you can see our trees up close.