Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tui Goes Rock Climbing

Sweating and groaning I reached up to the next rock. As I struggled higher the other group were trying to encourage me, they shouted "Go Tui go!" I never gave up and I kept going. As I reached the top everyone screamed out "Yay!" I felt so great when Liz put me down.


  1. What a great paragraph you have written about rock climbing Tui. From your writing I could really imagine what it was like for you. Keep it up.

  2. Great Writing Tui. An interesting paragraph.

  3. Hi' Britney,

    How is your study at Pt England in your

    Love from Mum and Dad.

  4. Terrific paragraph, Tui. I can practically feel you straining to reach the top. Whenever I rock climb, my arms get really tired. Does that happen to you?

  5. Those rock walls can be harder to climb than it looks. I have done it before and sometimes you get up there so high, and you can't find where to grab next!

  6. WOW! Tui i hope you hade a great time at rock climing.Your best friend Dante. From Dante

  7. Hi Tui I hope you have a great time at your birthday its going to be fun at rock climing. See you there. Anyway I had a great time going to camp.

    From Dante Bartlett.


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